Brütal Legend

Brütal Legend

Brütal Legend is an action-adventure game that combines hard-hitting action combat with open-world freedom. Set in a universe located somewhere between Lord of the Rings and Spinal Tap, it is a new interpretation of the action and driving genre, which in this case is full of imitation cover bands, demons that want to enslave humanity and heavy metal songs. With comedian, actor and musician Jack Black in the role of super-roader Eddie Riggs and appearances by some of the biggest names in metal music, it's a wild ride into the belly of the beast that gamers and metalheads alike shouldn't miss.


The vibrant and wildly creative world of Brütal Legend comes to life with a barrage of chrome, leather, rocker babes, epic music, fire-breathing and stud-bearing beasts, mountains of guitar amps and more. Join Eddie on his tour of epic destruction with an axe, a guitar and his minions as he commands the power of rock in epic tape battles. It's lighter-snapping fun that will melt your face off.


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  • Belderon
     55*** Bad Kreuznach
  • sushineko
     10*** Berlin
  • JohnZn
     63*** Dietzenbach
  • Steinflo
     82*** Fürstenfeldbruck
  • Akira32
     26**** Oldenburg
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