Blood II: The Chosen
In a time of turmoil and decay, a dark organization with a sinister agenda casts its shadow over the world. But as their plan unfolds, an even greater evil pushes at the boundaries of reality with its twisted nature.... Filled with hatred and vengeance, Caleb has returned to face the Cabal and their minions once again - and this time he is not alone. Can he hold the Chosen together long enough to reclaim the Cabal and the heart of his one true love? Or will his actions destroy them all? Blood started it all with its mix of terrifying monsters, powerful weapons, fast-paced multiplayer action, and enough macabre humor to make a mummy giggle. Blood II: The Chosen is even better than Blood, combining a state-of-the-art 3D game engine, horrific creatures from another dimension, and even more blood than Blood.