Bio-Hazard Battle
During the first global bio-war, a powerful retrovirus filled the planet Avaron with new and deadly life forms. Only a few survivors remain on O.P. Ulysses, an orbiting platform that circles Avaron. Hundreds of years after the biowar, conditions on Avaron are still hostile to life, but livable.
During G-Biowar I (the first global biowar), a powerful new form of retrovirus was released in deadly retaliation to the enemy. The viruses released biological forces that could not be stopped and populated the planet with new and deadly life forms. Only a few survivors are in suspended animation on O.P. Ulysses, a space station orbiting Avalon. The space station's mission is to keep the surviving humans alive until Avalon is habitable again. The crew of the Odysseus has been frozen in cryogenic tanks for hundreds of years, and now the on-board computer has awakened them. Computer probes show that conditions on Avalon are hostile, but habitable. The question is: Where can the crew of Ulysses establish a colony? The game consists of piloting an organic ship to Avalon, flying over the areas deemed least hostile by the probes, exploring the conditions on the planet, and finally finding a new home for the remaining survivors.