Ayo The Clown
Ayo the Clown is a 2.5D sidescrolling platformer reminiscent of genre favorites like Mario and Donkey Kong. What sets Ayo the Clown apart from traditional platform games is its sense of adventure, light puzzles, and RPG elements.Like the Legend of Zelda series, Ayo's potential isn't realized right from the start of the game. As you make your way through the lush world, you'll collect skill upgrades and extra hearts that will extend your life. In addition, Ayo is equipped with a fun but emotional story. Collectable comic pages in each level unravel the mystery of Bo's disappearance and propel Ayo forward. Collect them all to paint the whole picture!
Ayo wakes up one night to a deafening noise, but not from the storm raging outside his bedroom window. No... it seems to be coming from the room itself. Stunned, he stumbles to his dog Bo's bed and finds chaos. The flower pot has tipped over and the wall is covered with muddy paw prints. But Bo is nowhere to be found. Devastated and confused, Ayo charges into the storm to find his favorite dog and juggling partner.