Attack of the Friday Monsters: A Tokyo Tale
Enter the life of Sohta, the young son of a family that has just opened a cleaning business in the idyllic town of Fuji no Hana. His interactions with the town's unique residents uncover episodic secrets that point to the strange events surrounding the appearance of a giant monster every Friday. And when Friday night arrives, the giant monster appears right before your eyes! Collect the "Monster Glims" scattered around the city to form monster cards. Once you've collected five cards, Sohta can battle his friends for supremacy. If you win at Monster Cards, you'll have a chance to gather useful information, get more Monster Glims, and even cast a secret spell on your friends that will bring them down at your whim. And why? Because those are the rules! A touching drama about family, friendship and a child's innocence unfolds against hand-drawn backgrounds, charming music and unforgettable characters.