You are Roy Becket, a young pilot who dreams of becoming as skilled as his adoptive father. When a galactic war with an ancient mechanical alien race reaches boiling point, Roy is forced to take control of an alien bipedal war machine to save what's left of humanity. Roy is accompanied by a young girl who claims to have escaped from the clutches of the nefarious aliens. She has been forever altered by horrific experiments and now possesses the very abilities humanity needs to delay Judgment Day. Together, they must fight alone against a relentless army and reunite their shattered family. The end of all things is in sight. On the brink of extinction is Astebreed.
The Filune have made it their mission to wipe out all of humanity, and it's time for the humans to fight back. The player, Roy Becket, has set out to do what his adoptive father, Grato Nono, couldn't finish: Save Estina Nono and put an end to the Filune.