

Archon: The Light and the Dark was a game developed by Free Fall Associates, loosely based on the game of chess, with a number of additions to the gameplay. It was programmed by Anne Westfall and originally released for Atari 8-bit computers in 1983. It was quickly ported to a number of systems and was well received.


Archon is loosely based on the game of chess, but with the added feature that pieces do not simply kill other pieces - if a single piece attempts to kill an opposing player's piece, a battle screen appears and combat ensues. Usually - but not always - stronger figures can defeat weaker figures. Battles can also result in double kills, where each figure involved in the fight is killed. Other innovations in the game include special abilities of certain characters, as well as a wizard character that acts as the leader of each side.


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  • Andy_Awardian
     35*** Linden
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