Age of Empires: Mythologies

Inspired by the successful PC title and based on the game engine of the critically acclaimed Age of Empires: Age of Empires: Age of Kings, Age of Empires: Mythologies will be the ultimate portable tactical strategy game with its polished gameplay, ingenious design, fantastic multiplayer and high replay value. Age of Empires: Mythologies for Nintendo DS is an immersive new turn-based strategy game that challenges players to shape the destiny of three unique civilizations in a fantasy world filled with powerful heroes, legendary monsters and mighty gods. Players lead their Egyptian, Greek, and Norse heroes to victory by raising massive armies, waging wars, exploring new frontiers, and traversing three distinct ages that offer fantastic new units, abilities, and divine powers such as firestorms, earthquakes, and devastating plagues that players can use to destroy their enemies.
As in the original Age of Mythology, there are three civilizations - Greek, Egyptian and Norse - each with their own unique units, buildings, powers and methods of gaining favor. Each has three 'main gods' that you can choose from before each game - Zeus, Hades and Poseidon for the Greeks, Ra, Isis and Set for the Egyptians and Odin, Thor and Loki for the Norse. In addition, there are "secondary gods" for each deity, which the player can choose from when advancing an age. All gods grant the player unique technologies, perks, myth units and divine powers that are used to harm or benefit the player. There are three types of base units - humans, heroes and myth units, the latter two being mythical figures or creatures from the mythology and legends of the historical civilization. A rock-paper-scissors model determines which units are best against others; for example, humans are good against heroes, but weak against mythos units. Each unit also has a sub-category, such as heavy infantry or archers, which in turn are better against certain other units. Human units include hoplites or chariot archers, heroes include Odysseus and Ramses, and myth units include cyclops and giants. The campaign is divided into 8 scenarios for all three civilizations. The first, the Egyptian, revolves around Hatshepsut and her father Thutmose defeating Seth's son Setekh after investigating bandit raids near Memphis.
11*** Kairo
35*** Wetzlar
89*** Giengen an der Brenz
15**** Radlice
74*** Öhringen
48*** Emsbüren
26*** Bad Zwischenahn