A Witch's Tale
A young witch-in-training named Liddell unleashes an ancient evil known as the Eld Witch in search of powerful magic. The Eld Witch plunges the world into chaos with her monstrous powers, so Liddell, with the help of her vampiric companion Loue, sets out to set things right. Players draw magic runes to fight the creatures, which they encounter in turn-based RPG battles with status effects and elements to consider. As she makes her way through the fairy kingdoms, Liddell receives help in battle from magical dolls she collects. By exploring dungeons and solving puzzles, she gets closer to the goal of freeing the kingdoms from the curse of the Elder Witch, but she must take care of her doll assistants along the way, so they can help her in combat.
1,000 years ago, a tribe of powerful witches who used powerful, dangerous magic lived beneath the world. One day, the witches invaded the surface world. When all seemed lost, the mystical Alice appeared. She used the witches' own magic against them and imprisoned them. It is said that the Witch Queen still lurks underground, waiting for her chance to return to power.